B’seder (Satisfactory) is not Maspik (Enough)

Every parent claims that they want the best for their child, and in terms of education, every parent wants their child to do their best. However, there are times when the limiting beliefs of a parent – which may stem from their own negative or limited educational experiences – can hold a parent back from…

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L’école juive en ligne à la portée des petites communautés en Europe

Dans de nombreuses communautés juives à travers le monde, l’accès à l’éducation juive est limité. Zehud remédie à cette situation. L’un des débats les plus fascinants dans le Talmud porte sur la question de savoir si l’enseignement de la Torah devrait être accessible partout, et l’étude de la Torah à la portée de tout un…

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Accessing Ivrit in Croatia

Six years ago I began a personal research project with the aim of identifying the most constructive model for a Jewish Education ecosystem that would enrich, inspire and empower Jewish children in Europe. Specifically, my research addressed two issues: Firstly, how can Jewish children who do not live near a Jewish day School access Jewish…

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Online distant learning & not-so-distant-learning

As we know, Pesach this year was difficult for almost every Jewish family around the world, and as a resident of Italy where the coronavirus hit particularly hard, my Pesach was challenging, stressful and, at times, even tearful. However, while my home sedarim with my husband and children were very pleasant, the online mock-seder that…

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Nachum Segal Jewish Radio

Such an honour to be invited to speak on Nachum Segal JM in the AM, to talk about Zehud School, about our parenting group www.facebook.com/zehudparenting and #lockdown in Italy.

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COVID-19 has demanded significant adaptations across the globe by Tal Bassali in the International Jerusalem Post

Unfortunately, few teachers are taught about the opportunities and limitations of online learning, and few understand how best to use this unique learning environment. By TAL BASSALI   MAY 3, 2020 20:36 When I was learning to drive I found that one of the hardest yet most important rules to remember was that different roads in different areas…

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