Learn all about our wonderful school!

Zehud is an Online Jewish School teaching Hebrew and Judaic Studies classes to Jewish children.

What Is Zehud?

Zehud is a not-for-profit online supplementary school for Jewish children in Europe.

Our Name

The name ‘Zehud’ blends three core concepts that are central to our vision.

What We Do

We teach Ivrit and Judaic Studies to children aged 6-14 in small online classes.


Take a look at what our parents have to say

Our experience with Zehud Jewish School has been nothing short of wonderful. The things our 6 and 7 year-old have learnt in just a few months is impressive! We could not have found a higher quality of school —online or on-site— for our children’s Jewish education. A word of assurance to those parents who may have doubts about embarking on an online learning journey in Judaic studies for their children, choosing Zehud School is a decision that they will never regret!

Zehud came along at just at the right time for us. Our five-year-old was starting at the local school and we were looking to supplement his Hebrew and Jewish learning to the level that he could enter a Jewish school at any time and not be behind with Hebrew and Kodesh. We have a lot of Jewish activities going on in our home but we knew that this couldn’t substitute a formal Jewish education.

"The fate of the Jews in the diaspora was, is and predictably will be, determined by their commitment to Jewish education."

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt'l


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